de·bauch·er·y –noun
1. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.
2. Archaic. Seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue.

This blog is devoted to reporting on the (high) debaucheries of the world.


Why Do We Lie To Hurt So Much?

I find it interesting that people would rather judge each other about what school they attend, what kind of car they drive, what their SAT score was… And all that other bullshit that’s really quite frivolous when you think about it, when it’s so much easier to accept each other for our differences. Embrace them, even. Or maybe it’s just easy for me.

And why can’t people ever save themselves? Everyone is looking for a savior, but Jesus is never the answer anymore. Everyone wants a personal Jesus. People need to realize that no once can fulfill that role. Fulfillment must be found through self.

Just something to think on.


1 comment:

TheCyrax said...

My blog is much more fun than yours.