de·bauch·er·y –noun
1. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.
2. Archaic. Seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue.

This blog is devoted to reporting on the (high) debaucheries of the world.


Karl/Marx '08

I was watching the Obama Channel the other day and after an hour and a half of listening to Obama's "amazing story," which included a mere fifteen to twenty minutes of actual policy, something occurred to me.

Has Obama ever considered the fact that the reason our economy is in the toilet just might stem from taxes being so high that companies have little incentive to give a damn anymore? "Tax breaks"? REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH!? I am tired of the political jargon and the catchy campaign slogans about change and believing. Obama has as little experience as Palin (though hers seems to be the only inexpertness the media has decided to follow) and his hubris, I believe, will be his Achilles Heal. Not since Bill Clinton has a politician been so charismatic, but Bill had experience. I wish McCain would compare Obama's quick rise to Presidential candidate to George W's. The similarities are uncanny and that might get people thinking. From Texas Governor to Presidential hopeful before the end of his first term... And the general consensus is that he has not fared too well, isn't it?

This ad too, an obvious response to this, made me think. Obama responded to McCain's attack because he had to. The nature of the beast that is politics is that a candidate must defend himself or lash back, or it will come back to haunt him later. Obama's purpose, like much of his campaign, was to bend the truth about McCain's history and shed a negative light on it. He is appealing to his audience's emotions through flawed logic; bent truth.

His audience is most likely people who already support him, his "middle class" who are hurting the most right now from the economy and see him as a political Jesus, the Great Healer of Washington, come to make things right again. I believe this because people who are not already supporting Obama will most likely research the claims he made about McCain and realize that although there may be truth found in these false pretenses, it is not the whole truth.

Unless they're teenagers.



TheCyrax said...

Obama Channel.... does that come with basic cable? lol

Anonymous said...

You're very intuitive.