de·bauch·er·y –noun
1. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.
2. Archaic. Seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue.

This blog is devoted to reporting on the (high) debaucheries of the world.


Ramblings Without a Cause


I've never pretended to know everything.

But I never realized how little I really did know.

Recently I've found myself wishing things were the way they were.

But at the same time, completely different.

I miss the way I used to feel.

It was cold, but it was home - what I was used to.

But I can't go back to the cold, because once you've felt the warmth, it's just impossible.

I can't be the way I was, but am I scared of what I might become?

I need a new perspective, and I'm not sure what exactly I need to do to get that perspective, but I need it.

I need something internal to turn positive.

Is there a way I can take both the blue and the red pill?

Today turned out to be... Inspiring, surprisingly.

Crazy what you can learn from people you previously though you had heard say everything when you really listen.



Who Are The Candidates Again?

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said he is "outraged" by comments his former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, made Monday at the National Press Club and is "saddened by the spectacle."

Obama feels that Wright is trying to steal the spotlight.

Guess what, Barack.

It's working.

For the past two weeks, Wright has been on magazine covers, the center story for news stations, while Obama, Clinton, and (especially) McCain have taken a back seat.

Wright claims that the media's bad press is not simply an attack on him, but an attack on the black church.

It bothers me when a person defends himself by hiding behind a group. Wright was being called out for specific comments he said, and if he can only defend them by grouping himself, he's a coward and doesn't really know how else to back up his opinions.

To defend himself against accusations of anti-American hate speech, at an NAACP fund-rasing dinner, he pointed out that he served six years in the military.

"Does that make me patriotic? How many years did Cheney serve?"

It would seem that Obama and Wright are distancing themselves from each other as much as possible. In a recent interview, Wright told an interviewer that he would not hesitate to go after Obama even if he were to win the Presidency. And Obama claims that, having known Wright for twenty years, the man he has seen speak over the past few weeks is not the man he met twenty years ago.

I disagree with much of what Wright says, but I don't have a problem with him saying it. I believe he should be able to say whatever he wants... But I have just as much of a right not to listen.

A mentor of mine told me this analogy:

His family loves fruit cake; he does not.

Every year, when he gets together with his family, they make fruit cake; he does not eat any.

He has no problem with them making fruit cake, but they seem to have a problem with him not liking it. They constantly bother him to "just try it. You'll like it!"

Wright can make all the fruit cake he wants to.

But no matter how much he tries to make me like it...

I'm not eating any.

And just for humor's sake, here's a video you should all enjoy:
